Our Team

Dedicated experts with a proven record of success.

Core Staff Team

Our core staff team. These are the people that design our projects, and make things happen. 

Simon Ruding PhD


Rachel Graham

Projects Director (Music)

Shelley Wagon

Projects Director (Changing Stories)

Benji Marrington-Reeve

Youth Justice Producer

Rachel Forster PhD

Yorkshire Activity Hub Manager

Kate Goodrich

Projects Director (Probation)

Artist Team

Most of our projects are delivered by members of an ever expanding team of experienced, talented and rather brilliant freelance artists and practitioners.  

Kate McCoy

Emma Baim

David McFarlane

Fran Nutt

Tom Bass

Cara Looij 

Gráinne Flynn

Elizabeth Key

Rosheen O’Hanlon

Board of Trustees

Amy Cunningham

Clare Fuller

Dr. Alison Jeffers

Steve Kenny

Nick Ponsillo

Francesca Spence

Margaret Struthers (Chair)

Our work is overseen by a Board of Trustees who guide and support the operation of the charity.