Our funders

The wonderful trusts, funding bodies and individuals who make our work possible .


Over the last twenty-five years TiPP has been lucky enough to have benefited from funding from a wide range of sources.  Thanks are due to all these wonderful organisations whose contributions have supported our projects and helped us make a real difference:

Arts Council England

The Big Lottery

Bitesize Pieces

British Council

Children in Need

CNPq (Brazil)

Comic Relief

Community Chest

Community Futures

Creative Partnerships East Lancashire

Creative Partnerships Sheffield

Délégation Culturelle Française

The D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust

Enterprise in Higher Education

The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation

The Foundation for Sport and the Arts

The Francis C. Scott Charitable Trust

The GG Bunzl Charitable Foundation

Goethe Institute

The Holt Foundation

The John Thaw Foundation

The Lankelly Foundation

The Learning Revolution Transformations Fund

The Leigh Trust

The LGBT Foundation

The Lloyds-TSB Foundation

The Mary Kinross Trust

Manchester Public Health

Marks & Spencer

The Nationwide Foundation

The Network for Social Change

NHS England

The Norman Franklin Trust

North West Arts Board

Northern Foods

Operation Fundraiser

The Paul Hamlyn Foundation

The Peter Kershaw Foundation

The Prince's Trust

The Pilgrim Trust

The Rayne Foundation

The J Rothschild Group Charitable Trust

The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation

Trinity College

The Tudor Trust

The University of Manchester

Youth Music