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terminal uniqueness with small performance adventures

Brighton based small performance adventures got some funding to run a project called terminal uniqueness, which is about bringing people together to creatively improve mental health in groups.  Given the current strangeness of the world they couldn’t go ahead with their original plan and instead invited us to join up with Horizon, and We are not Saints in Brighton to come up with something playful to bring people together whilst we all may be stuck at home.  

Anyone can get involved and it involves making a short film on your phone about random objects of the same colour that are in your home.  

These are the instructions:

Your task is to find three yellow items in your home and video yourself on your phone telling us a little bit about each thing. No need to be interesting! We would love to hear from you whatever you have to say or share.

We think this is a really nice way to stay connected and have an activity to do.

When we have gathered a few yellows, we will move on to another colour. When this is all over we may even put them together in a film.

Thank you so much for playing.

You can find out more if you head over to the project page on Facebook, which you can find here